1)      Coastal Reef Builders, Inc. (our authorized contractor in Pensacola
Florida) finished at the end of June Florida Fish and Wildlife Division's
"hidden habitat" project where hundreds of Reef Balls were placed in secret
individual placements at night throughout Florida Panhandle waters in order
to create fish refuge without focused fishing pressures.  Scientists have
suggested for many years that this type of reef construction could led to
greater increases in fish stocks than published reef sites.

2) Reef Ball staff will be in Kuwait and Bahrain from the 16th-26th on
projects and during this time the Bradenton office will be closed.  (Call
Larry Beggs at 941-650-2519 during this time for construction or mold issues
or Kathy Kirbo at 770-752-0202 for general issues).

3) Reef Innovations delivered hundreds of specially scaled miniature Reef
Balls to the Army Corp of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station that will
be doing extensive flume modeling work in support of the 63rd Street Miami
Hotspot submerged Reef Ball breakwater project.  Testing will begin later
this week. Results will be public information and may be applied to
engineering design of other Reef Ball submerged breakwater projects.

4) The Reef Ball World Mapping system (www.reefball.com then click on
Mapping System) has been upgraded with another 100 megs of data.

5) Did you know.... that Reef Balls come in 11 different sizes and there are
at least 100 different styles available that are used for a variety of
biological, engineering, human, and end use goals? For example, "Layer Cake"
Reef Balls, "Table Top" Reef Balls, "Rock Filled" Reef Balls, "Predator
Excluded" Reef Ball...etc.).  The photo below shows some examples.  The
point is that every Reef Ball reef is different. Reef Balls are custom
designed to the goals of the project.  Don't get caught in a the trap of
thinking you know about Reef Balls...the truth is you may know about a Reef
Ball project but each project is unique and guided by our years of
experience.  Anytime you want to build a reef. of any kind, give us a call
or shoot us an email we have over 100 experts worldwide and 10 years of
experience building reefs and we are confident we will have some suggestions
to make your next project better for your particular your goals.  Don't just
deploy a reef...design one!